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New Lactoferm 910 series

6 мая, 2013

The new series 910 Lactoferm specifically studied during the last monthsby the laboratories Biochem, found excellent results in the production ofTvorog, the most widespread and characteristic fresh cheese produced in Eastern Europe.

In particular, the coltures MSY and MSE 910 mainly tested in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine have shown a product that has successfully satisfied the palate of consumers, ensuring aroma, taste and texture, which are particularly search for this type of cheese.

The added value of our bacterial cultures is in their personalization developed in our laboratories andthrough the tight collaboration with the dairy industries.

In fact, the production of Tvorog which at first glance may seem simple, requires a type of preparation very delicate from exactly time of fermentation and in particular for the correct productionof gas by the hetero fermentant cultures at the right time.

Only the combination of both of these features with the series Lactoferm 910 results in a product of high consistency, strong taste and low acidity, characteristics that are searched by the people of'east europe.

The dairy application of the new 910 series, in addition to the production of Tvorog, has been extended to semi-hard cheeses such as Gouda and Edam with optimal results, in particular the constant production of gas by hetero fermentant coltures content in this series has defined a 'holes continuous and constant fundamental characteristic of these products.